
Main causes of water supply pipe leaks

  Water supply line leaks are a common problem which can have a serious impact on the water supply system. The following are the main causes of water supply pipe leakage:


  1. Aging pipes: Over time, water supply pipes may leak due to aging. Especially in underground pipes, pipes are prone to corrosion and aging due to factors such as the pH of the soil and temperature changes.

  2. Pipeline quality problems: If the quality of pipeline materials is poor, or there are quality problems in the pipeline construction process, such as poor sealing of the interface or uneven settlement of the pipeline, etc., may lead to leakage of water supply pipelines.

  3. External environmental impact: external environmental factors may also lead to water pipeline leakage. For example, the foundation is not solid, road heavy vehicles repeatedly on the pipe caused by crack pressure, etc., may make the pipe cracks or burst.

  4. Improper construction: In the pipeline construction process, if the construction is not standardized or not in accordance with the drawings of the construction, may lead to cracks or breaks in the pipeline, resulting in leaks.

  5. Valve failure: valves are an important part of the water supply system, if the valve failure, such as wear and tear, dirt embedded, etc., may make the pipeline can not be closed, resulting in leakage.

  6. Natural disasters such as earthquakes: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, etc. may cause damage to water supply pipes, leading to leaks.


  In order to minimize the occurrence of water supply pipe leakage, regular inspection and maintenance of the water supply system is required to detect and fix potential problems in time. In addition, the use of high-tech means such as leak detectors can help detect the location of leaks more accurately and improve the efficiency of repairs.

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