
Natural electric fieldcave detection equipment: an innovative method for geophysical exploration

  Geophysical detection is a discipline to study the internal structure and properties of the earth, which is of great significance to the fields of geology, mineral resources exploration, earthquake prevention and so on. Natural electric field cave detection equipment is a novel geophysical detection instrument, which utilizes the electromagnetic effect produced by natural electric field to detect underground cavities or geological anomalies. In this paper, the principle, structure, application and development prospect of natural electric field cave detection equipment will be introduced in detail.


  I. Principle of natural electric field cave detection equipment

  Natural electric field cave detection equipment mainly utilizes the electromagnetic effect produced by natural electric field to detect underground cavities or geological anomalies. There is a natural electric field on the earth surface, which is generated by the natural electric current inside the earth and the electrochemical activities on the earth surface. When this electric field encounters an underground cavity or a geological anomaly, electromagnetic induction occurs, which changes the distribution of the natural electric field. By measuring this change, the location and shape of underground cavities or geological anomalies can be inferred.

  Structure of natural electric field cave detection equipment

  Natural electric field cave detection equipment is mainly composed of three parts: electric field sensor, data collector and data processing and analyzing system. The electric field sensor is responsible for measuring the distribution of natural electric field, the data collector is responsible for collecting the sensor data and transmitting them to the data processing and analyzing system, and the data processing and analyzing system processes and analyzes the collected data in order to determine the location and shape of underground cavities or geological anomalies.

  Application of natural electric field cave detection equipment

  Natural electric field cave detection equipment has a wide range of application value in the fields of mineral resources exploration, environmental geological survey, hydrogeological survey, urban underground space planning and so on. For example, in mineral resources exploration, it can be used to detect the location and distribution of underground mineral deposits; in environmental geological investigation, it can be used to detect underground cavities or geological anomalies to prevent geological disasters; in hydrogeological investigation, it can be used to search for underground water sources or to assess the reserves and quality of underground water; in urban underground space planning, it can be used to detect the location and shape of underground facilities or underground pipelines. In urban underground space planning, it can be used to detect underground facilities or underground pipelines.

  Fourth, the development prospect of natural electric field cave detection equipment

  With the continuous development of science and technology, the performance and function of natural electric field cave detection equipment are also continuously upgraded. In the future, the natural electric field cave detection equipment will develop in the direction of high precision, high efficiency, intelligence and multifunctionalization. For example, by adopting advanced signal processing technology and artificial intelligence technology, the measurement accuracy of the detector and its adaptability to complex geological conditions can be improved; by integrating multiple functional modules, multi-purpose use of one machine can be realized and the working efficiency can be improved; and by adopting portable or handheld design, it can be conveniently operated and used in different environments.

  Natural electric field cave detection equipment is an innovative geophysical detection method, which utilizes the electromagnetic effect generated by natural electric field to detect underground cavities or geological anomalies. This paper introduces the principle, structure, application and development prospect of natural electric field cave detection equipment in detail. With the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of application fields, the natural electric field cave detection equipment will play an increasingly important role in the future geophysical exploration.

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