
Great analysis of the elements that affect the water pipe leakage detection accurate locator to check the dark leakage

  In our daily life, pipes are an indispensable part. However, once a pipe leaks, it will not only cause a waste of resources, but also may affect our lives. Therefore, it is especially important to find and fix leaks in time. So, how to effectively detect concealed leaks? In this article, we will reveal the elements that affect the detection of dark leaks.

water pipe leakage detection

  First, the pipe and pipe diameter

  Pipe and pipe diameter is an important factor affecting water leakage detection. Different pipe materials and pipe diameter on the propagation of water leakage noise along the pipe wall has a great impact on the attenuation. For example, the sound transmission distance of metallic pipes is farther than that of non-metallic pipes, because the latter have much stronger attenuation in the noise signal. The larger the pipe diameter, the more water leakage noise signal attenuation, the greater the difficulty of water leakage detection.

  Second, the pipe depth

  Pipe burial depth will also directly affect the effectiveness of ground listening. Leakage noise along the pipeline above the medium spread to the ground in the process, the sound wave will be continuously buried around the medium absorbed, the deeper the pipeline is buried, spread to the ground the weaker the noise signal. More than a certain depth, the noise signal will be covered by the ground and the surface noise, increasing the difficulty of listening to the road surface.

  Third, the pipeline connection

  The way the pipeline is connected will also affect the distance of the leakage noise propagation along the pipeline. Generally speaking, the rigid connection is farther away from the sound than the flexible connection. Therefore, in the detection of water leakage, you need to consider the way the pipe is connected.

  Fourth, the pipeline buried medium

  Pipeline burial medium will also affect the effect of water leakage detection. Generally speaking, the pipeline buried medium for sand and gravel than for clay when the detection effect is much better. Therefore, in the selection of detection methods, need to consider the nature of the pipe burial medium.

  Fifth, the surface material

  Pipeline above the ground surface material will also affect the effect of road surface hearing. Generally speaking, concrete or asphalt pavement is relatively good, square brick, hard clay pavement is second, grass is less effective. Therefore, when selecting the detection method, the nature of the surface material needs to be considered.

  VI. Water table height

  When the pipeline location is lower than the water table height or leakage point wrapped in the leakage out of the water, the leakage noise at this time becomes very low, just like we cover our mouths to speak, the propagation distance of the leakage noise will be greatly reduced. Therefore, when choosing the detection method, it is necessary to consider the factor of the height of the water table.

  VII. Characteristics of water leakage points

  Based on the different shapes, sizes and parts of the leakage point, the characteristics of the water leakage sound are not the same. Leakage from the pipe wall cracks, corrosion holes leaked out of the noise generated by the intensity and frequency higher than from the pipeline interface and generation of door leaked out of the noise generated by the intensity and frequency. Usually the larger the leak, the stronger the noise. But for particularly large leaks, especially caused by the pipeline pressure loss of broken pipe leaks, the noise is relatively weak. Therefore, in the selection of detection methods, the need to consider the factors of leakage point characteristics.

  Eight, the pipe water pressure

  Water pressure in the pipe is also one of the important factors affecting water leakage detection. The higher the water pressure in the pipe, the greater the intensity of the leakage noise, and vice versa. When the water pressure in the pipe is less than 1 kg, the detection of leaks will increase the difficulty of detection, in this case only to increase the water pressure in the pipe or the use of high sensitivity probe to detect leaks. Therefore, in the selection of detection methods, need to consider the factors of water pressure in the pipe.

  Nine, environmental noise

  Environmental noise is also one of the important factors affecting water leakage detection. The strength of the environmental noise directly affects the effectiveness of water leakage detection. Therefore, water leakage detection work is generally appropriate to choose the time when the environmental noise is weak. At the same time, some noise reduction measures can also be used to improve the accuracy and reliability of detection.

  Ten, water pipe leakage detection and accurate locator equipment

  Different water pipe leakage detection precision locator equipment its sensitivity, frequency range, signal processing capabilities are not the same. Water pipe leak detection and accurate locator equipment, the higher the sensitivity of the probe, water pipe leak detection and accurate locator equipment, the stronger the signal processing capability, the more signal-to-noise ratio can be improved, the water pipe leak detection and accurate locator equipment, the stronger the detection ability to detect and locate smaller leaks. Therefore, the choice of advanced acoustic water leakage detection equipment is also one of the key factors to improve detection efficiency and accuracy.

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