
Commonly used leak detection methods for buried plumbing pipes include the following:

  As an indispensable and important facility in life, plumbing pipes may have various problems during long-term use, among which the most headache is water leakage. Once water leakage occurs, it will not only cause water waste, but also may cause damage to buildings and the environment. Therefore, it is very important to detect and repair water leaks in a timely manner. In order to quickly and accurately locate water leaks, we often need to use professional water leak detection methods. In this article, we will introduce several commonly used water pipe leakage detection methods to help you better deal with water pipe leakage.

pipeline leak detector

  1. acoustic detection method: by listening to the sound of the leak to determine the location of the leak. From the simple mechanical listening stick to all kinds of pipeline leak detector can be used in this way. 2.

  2. correlation meter detection method: through the detection of leaks caused by vibration in the pipeline on both sides of the propagation time difference to determine the location of the leak. This time difference is determined by the sound speed of the pipe and the location of the leak. 3.

  3. Infrared thermal imaging detection method: the use of photoelectric technology to detect the object thermal radiation of infrared radiation of a specific band of signals, converted into images and graphics that can be distinguished by human vision. When a water leak occurs under the ground, the local area and the surrounding temperature difference, infrared images will reflect this difference, to help find the leak.

  4. gas tracer detection method: the use of tracer gases such as hydrogen, due to its light weight and low viscosity, can quickly penetrate the ground by the leak and be detected by the instrument, thus helping to find the location of leaks.

  5. CCTV endoscopic detection method: through the use of endoscopic cameras and other equipment to enter the pipeline interior, the pipeline detection. This method is relatively less used, and in general, the previously mentioned methods are sufficient to find the location of the leak.

  When choosing a suitable water leakage detection method, we need to pay attention to safety issues and choose qualified and experienced professionals for operation and maintenance. At the same time, in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results, we also need to regularly test and maintain the water pipes, timely detection and repair of potential problems, to ensure the long-term stable operation of water pipes. We hope that the introduction of this article can help you better understand the water pipe leakage detection methods, and provide useful reference for your water pipe maintenance.

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