
Use of the Cable & Pipe Locator's Tracking Positive and False Alerts Feature

  One of the challenges we often face in pipeline detection is distinguishing the target pipeline from neighboring pipelines. Neighboring pipelines often have signals that are similar to, and sometimes exceed, those of the target pipeline, which can cause significant detection problems. In addition, the effect of distributed capacitance can also cause the phase to deviate, further increasing the difficulty of identification. However, by using Cable & Pipe Locator's Track Positive Error Alert function, we can effectively solve this problem.


  The core of the tracking feature is the measurement of the current phase. By comparing the current phase of the target pipe, we can determine if we are tracking the target pipe. If the phase pointer is pointing up, it means that the detector is above the target line; while if the pointer is pointing down and the "?" flag, it indicates that a neighboring pipeline may have been tracked.

  To make the best use of this feature, we recommend operating at 500Hz or 1kHz and turning on the Smart Wide Peak mode. In addition, performing a calibration is a very critical step. At a distance (e.g. 5-10m) close to the transmitter but not subject to its interference, clearly detect the position of the target pipeline and calibrate directly above it.

  During calibration, the instrument will automatically adjust the gain and measure the current phase, and set the current phase to 0°. After the calibration is completed, the phase pointer on the top right of the screen will point directly upwards, and the angle under the dial will be displayed as 0°. Thereafter, all current phase measurements will use this as a reference.

  By combining calibration with the use of the Intelligent Wide Peak Mode, the operator can more accurately identify the target pipeline, avoiding miscalculations and misuse. The Tracking Positive and False Alert feature provides the operator with an effective tool to help improve the accuracy and efficiency of pipeline detection.

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