
What instruments are needed to accurately locate water leakage in pipelines?

  In the complex pipeline networks of modern cities and industrial facilities, water leaks not only cause a great waste of water, but also lead to a series of potential safety hazards such as ground collapse and structural damage. Therefore, fast and accurate detection and localization of water leakage points has become a key link in maintenance management. This paper will introduce several commonly used pipeline leak detector and its working principle, in order to reveal the charm of science and technology in this field.

  First, the acoustic detection pipeline leak detector

pipeline leak detector

  Acoustic detection pipeline leak detector is based on the principle that water under pressure from the broken leak will produce a specific frequency sound design. These instruments are able to capture and analyze these weak sounds, through advanced signal processing technology, the acoustic signal will be converted into visual data, so as to accurately locate the leak. Acoustic detection pipeline leak detector is usually equipped with highly sensitive sensors and data analysis software, applicable to a variety of materials, especially in the concrete, soil covered pipeline detection outstanding.

  Pipe Cable Locator 

pipeline leak detector

  Pipe Cable Locator is mainly designed for metal pipes, by emitting electromagnetic field and interacting with the pipe, it can locate the pipe even if it is covered by soil or other non-conductive materials. When the electromagnetic wave encounters the pipeline, it will produce reflected signals, and by analyzing these signals, it can determine the direction of the pipeline, the depth and the potential location of the breakage. This type of equipment is suitable for the detection of unknown pipeline layouts, as well as the verification of existing drawings inaccurate cases.

  Third, the thermal imager

  Using the heat conduction properties of water, the thermal imager can capture the abnormal changes in surface or wall temperature when the leak occurs, and then locate the leak. Particularly in the case of hot water pipe leaks, thermal imaging can visualize the area of heat leakage, even if the leak occurs out of sight. It is a non-invasive means of detection, applicable to a variety of environmental conditions.

  Fourth, pipeline endoscope

  A pipeline borescope, or pipeline camera, is a tool for directly observing the internal condition of a pipeline. By feeding a probe with a camera into the pipeline, the operator can view the state of the inner wall of the pipeline in real time on a monitor and directly observe signs of leakage such as cracks and corrosion. This method is suitable for accurate assessment of damage inside a direct-view pipe, but requires the pipe to have a sufficiently large diameter and appropriate access points.

  V. Listening rod (sound listening leak detector)

pipeline leak detector

  Listening rod is a more traditional but still effective water leakage detection tool, especially in the initial investigation and site conditions are limited. Through direct contact with the pipeline or the ground, using the principle of sound wave conduction, the inspector can rely on experience and hearing to determine the location of the leak. Although labor-intensive, the hearing rod can still provide quick and direct clues for experienced inspectors in certain situations.

  With the continuous progress of technology, pipeline leakage detection from the traditional listening to identify the location of the development of a set of sound, light, electricity in one of the high-tech detection means. Choosing the right detection instrument can not only improve the detection efficiency, but also ensure the accuracy of the detection to the greatest extent possible, so as to provide a solid foundation for the subsequent repair work. Whether it is to deal with sudden water leakage events, or regular pipeline maintenance checks, these high-tech equipment is an indispensable assistant for the stable operation of the city.