
Pipeline leakage detection “four artifacts” revealed

  Underground in the city, the intricate network of pipelines as the city's blood, a steady stream of water resources needed for life. However, with the use of years of growth, these pipes will appear a variety of problems, which is the most common and tricky is the pipeline leakage. In order to accurately find and repair these leaks in a timely manner, experts in the pipeline leak detection community with a series of high-tech tools, known as the image of the “four artifacts”, which are listening to the sound rod, pipe line detector, leakage correlation meter and pipeline leak detector.

  Listening rod: pipeline leak detector's “stethoscope”

pipeline leak detector

  Listening rod, as a pipeline leak detector in the hands of the “stethoscope”, its function is to accurately determine the problem areas through the principle of sound conduction. It consists of a stainless steel bar connected to a disc earpiece, the use of the pipeline needs to be found in the valve, fire hydrant, branch and other exposed points, and in the outside world noise is relatively small time (such as night) for operation. When the tip of the bar touches these exposed points, the ear is close to the earpiece, if there is a pipe leakage nearby, the sound of the leakage will be transmitted along the pipe wall to the tip of the bar, and then to the body of the bar, and finally by the vibrating membrane to amplify the volume, so that the staff can hear the faint sound of the leakage.

  Pipe line detector: the underground pipe “GPS”

pipeline leak detector

  Pipe line detector can be in the case of not destroying the ground cover, fast and accurate detection of underground water pipelines, metal pipelines, cables, etc., the location, direction, depth and steel pipeline corrosion layer damage point location and size. It is mainly composed of two parts: transmitter and receiver, and is one of the necessary instruments for water companies to carry out transformation, maintenance and census of underground pipelines.

  Water Leakage Correlation Instrument: “Pioneer of Pipeline Leakage Detection” Through Obstacles

  Water leakage correlator, a kind of leakage detector based on acoustic principle, can quickly, accurately and reliably locate the leakage point. It usually consists of a sensor (also known as “probe”), transmitter, host and software. When there is a leak in the water supply pipe, the sound of the leak will propagate along the pipe, and the sensors placed at both ends will receive the leakage signal and determine the location of the leakage through the time difference of the received signal. The leak detector is especially suitable for leakage detection under the river, railroad or other buildings, and it shows its superiority for those leaky pipelines which are buried so deep that the sound of leakage can not be heard on the ground.

  Pipeline leak detector: “pinpointing” the leaks

pipeline leak detector

  The pipeline leak detector, also known as the “ground pipeline leak detector”, consists of three parts: a pickup, a signal processor and a headset. Its working principle is to use the ground pickup to collect the vibration signal caused by the sound of the leak, and these vibration signals into electrical signals, after amplification, filtering and other processing, the audio signal to the headset, and at the same time the graphics, waveforms, or digital and other video signals on the display, to help determine the leakage point. Electronic pipeline leak detector is mainly used for the precise location of the leak, in the case of known leakage pipe section, along the pipeline for the “S” shaped step-by-step detection, and ultimately according to the strength of the leakage noise signal to determine the location of the leak.

  These four pipeline leakage detection artifacts, each with its own characteristics, complementary functions, for the city's underground pipeline safety escort. They not only improve the efficiency of pipeline leakage detection, but also provide strong support for the sustainable development of the city.

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