
Pipe Leakage Detection: Specialized Equipment and Techniques in Detail

  In modern building maintenance, pipeline leakage detection is a crucial task, which is directly related to the convenience of residents' life and the structural safety of buildings. In this paper, we will discuss the main equipment and technology of pipeline leakage detection, especially the application of pressure machine and acoustic vibration pipeline leak detector, and at the same time, briefly introduce other auxiliary detection tools, to help readers comprehensively understand this field.

pipeline leak detector

  I. Introduction

  Pipeline leakage not only causes waste of water resources, but also may trigger dampness and mold in the wall, and even affect the safety of building structure. Therefore, it is crucial to find and repair water leaks in time. In pipeline leakage detection, professional equipment and technology are the key to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of detection.

  Second, the main testing equipment

  1. Pressurization machine: the basis of pressure testing

   Role: Pressurization is the first step in pipeline leakage detection, by applying a certain pressure to the pipeline and observing whether the pressure is stable, so as to preliminarily determine whether there is a leakage in the pipeline.

  Equipment selection: electric mute pressurization machine becomes the first choice because of its continuous and stable pressure output and low noise characteristics.

   Pressurization standard: hot and cold water pipes are generally pressurized to 0.60.8Mpa, hold pressure and observe for 30 minutes; heating pipes are pressurized to 0.30.5Mpa, hold pressure and observe for 10 minutes.

   Note: need to close the relevant valves before pressurization, old neighborhoods pay attention to control the pressure range, while preparing more than one set of pressurization meter kit to improve efficiency.

  2. Acoustic vibration pipeline leak detector: accurate positioning of water leakage points

   detection principle: sound vibration pipeline leak detector by analyzing the sound generated by the leakage, vibration frequency and intensity and other characteristics, accurate positioning of the leakage point.

   detection process: first understand the direction of the pipeline, then pressurization, and finally use the leak detector to locate and detect. The detection process follows the principle of “near and then far, local and then overall”.

   Knowledge points: master the pipeline direction, familiar with the pressure techniques, understand the sound vibration frequency range and the sound characteristics of water leakage, is the key to the accurate use of acoustic vibration pipeline leak detector.

  Third, auxiliary detection equipment

  Although the pressure machine and sound vibration pipeline leak detector is the core equipment for pipeline leakage detection, but infrared thermal imaging, industrial endoscopy, plugging instrument, hot water pipe circulator and other auxiliary equipment also play an important role in specific cases. For example, infrared thermal imaging can be used to detect hidden leaks, and industrial endoscopes are suitable for observing the internal condition of pipelines.

  IV. Summary

  Pipeline leakage detection is a complex and delicate work that requires specialized equipment and technical support. Pressure machine and sound vibration pipeline leak detector as the main detection equipment, play an irreplaceable role in the detection process. At the same time, the reasonable use of auxiliary testing equipment can further improve the accuracy and efficiency of testing. Through the scientific and standardized testing process, we can find and solve the pipeline leakage problems in time, to protect the comfort of residents' life and the safety of buildings.

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