
Complete guide for wall water pipe leakage detection

In daily life, leaking water pipes inside walls is a headache. It may not only cause walls to become damp and moldy, but also waste water resources and even affect the structural safety of the house. So, when we suspect that the water pipes inside the wall are leaking, how should we conduct testing?

pipe leakage detection

1、 Observe signs on the wall

Firstly, carefully observe the surface of the wall. If the walls are damp, have water stains, mold, bubbles, or if the color of the wall coating changes, these may be signs of water pipe leakage. Especially in areas where water pipes pass through, such as bathrooms, kitchens, balconies, etc., special attention should be paid.

Meanwhile, pay attention to observing whether there is any dripping from the ceiling. If the water pipe upstairs leaks, it may manifest on the ceiling downstairs. In addition, you can also check if there is standing water on the ground, especially near the walls.

2、 Check the water meter

Turn off all faucets in the home and ensure that no water using devices are running. Then observe the water meter. If the pointer of the water meter is slowly rotating or the number is constantly changing, it is likely that there is a leak in the water pipe.

It should be noted that some water meters may have slight fluctuations, which does not necessarily mean there is a leakage problem. You can observe for a longer period of time, such as half an hour or an hour, to determine whether the changes in the water meter continue.

3、 Listen to the sound

In a quiet environment, you can place your ears close to the wall and listen for the sound of flowing water or ticking. If you hear abnormal sounds, it may be a signal of water pipe leakage.

In addition, some tools can be used to listen to sound, such as stethoscopes. Place the probe of the stethoscope on the wall and move it along the direction of the water pipe, carefully listening for any sound of water leakage.

4、 Use professional testing equipment

If the above methods cannot determine whether there is water leakage, professional testing equipment can be considered. Common detection equipment includes leak detectors, thermal imaging devices, etc.

The leak detector determines whether there is a leak by detecting pressure changes in the water pipe. It can accurately locate the location of water leakage points and is very effective for detecting water pipe leaks inside walls.

Thermal imagers use infrared technology to detect temperature differences on the surface of walls. If there is a water pipe leak, the temperature around the leak point will be higher than elsewhere, resulting in different colors displayed on the thermal imaging instrument.

5、 Please have professional personnel conduct testing

If you are unable to determine whether the water pipes inside the wall are leaking or cannot locate the location of the leakage point, it is best to hire a professional plumber or testing company for inspection. They have rich experience and professional equipment, which can quickly and accurately locate the leakage point and repair it.

In short, the leakage of water pipes inside the wall is a problem that needs to be dealt with in a timely manner. By observing signs on the wall, checking the water meter, listening to sound, using professional testing equipment, and hiring professional personnel for inspection, it is possible to effectively detect whether the water pipes inside the wall are leaking and locate the location of the leakage point. Once water leakage is discovered, measures should be taken as soon as possible to repair it and avoid causing greater losses.

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