
Causes and Solutions for Leakage Detection in Drainage Pipes

  Leakage of water supply and drainage pipes is one of the common problems in the maintenance of building facilities, and it may originate from several causes, including material problems, construction defects, load changes, temperature changes, etc. In order to solve this problem, we need to analyze the causes of leakage and take appropriate preventive and repair measures.

pipeline leak detector

  First, the causes of leakage of water supply and drainage pipes

  1. Material problems: the quality of piping materials, such as pipe or fittings with cracks, sand holes, etc., or rubber ring aging, falling off, may lead to leakage.

  2. Construction defects: In the process of pipeline construction, if not strictly in accordance with the construction specifications, such as the interface is not sealed, screws are not tightened, etc., may leave a hidden leakage.

  3. Load change: In the process of using the pipeline, due to the influence of the external environment, such as foundation settlement, building movement, etc., which may lead to the pipeline to withstand more than the design capacity of the pressure, thus generating leakage.

  4. Temperature changes: drainage pipes are affected by temperature changes, which may lead to the contraction or expansion of piping materials, thus causing leakage.

  Second, the solution to the leakage of drainage pipe

  1. Material Selection: Piping materials with guaranteed quality should be selected to avoid leakage caused by using poor quality materials. At the same time, for the key parts of the material, such as elbows, tees, etc., should be strength and tightness test.

  2. Strict construction: In the construction process, the operation should be carried out in strict accordance with the construction specifications to ensure that the interfaces are sealed and the screws are tightened. At the same time, for the key processes, such as welding, bonding, etc., quality inspection should be carried out.

pipeline leak detector

  3. Enhance the maintenance: For the pipeline that has been put into use, use the leakage detector to check and prevent leakage due to prolonged use. If leakage is found, it should be repaired in time.

  4. Temperature control: For pipes that may be affected by temperature, appropriate temperature control measures should be taken, such as insulation, expansion joints, etc., in order to minimize the impact of temperature changes on the pipeline.

  5. Pressure test: After the installation is completed or after the repair is completed, the pressure test should be carried out on the water supply and drainage pipeline to ensure its airtightness and pressure bearing capacity.

  III. Conclusion

  The leakage problem of water supply and drainage pipes may have a serious impact on the normal operation of building facilities, so it should be given enough attention. The leakage problem of water supply and drainage pipes can be effectively prevented and solved through reasonable material selection, strict construction operation, regular maintenance and inspection, and effective temperature control. Meanwhile, for the leakage problems that have already appeared, they should be repaired in time to prevent the problem from expanding. Only in this way can we ensure the normal operation of water supply and drainage pipes and extend the service life of building facilities.

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